About Us

About Allied Fintech

about fintech

Allied Fintech Limited (Allied) is a focused on providing innovative financial solutions to the financial services and banking industry by using technology. Allied FIntech Limited is a Hong Kong limited company incorporated in 2017. And sister companies (AFBA www.afba.com.au) in New Zealand is a TCSP (Trust Company Service Provider) and a reporting entity to the DIA (Department of Internal Affairs). AFBA Pty Ltd in Australia is a registered agent with ASIC (Australian Securities & Investment Commission). The AFBA Group of Companies will be restructured, with the names of Australian and New Zealand companies being changed to Allied Fintech.

Fintech by definition is Financial Technology. Fintech generally refers to new technologies and innovations that aim to improve activities in the finance industry. Fintech companies generally try to replace or enhance traditional financial and banking services. However, Fintech companies are also enabling financial services to be provided to those who did not have access to traditional banking and financial services, often through the use of smartphones, apps and web browsers.

Although Fintech is generally seen to be in competition to traditional banking and financial services, many financial institutions are adopting and implementing Fintech technologies and solutions in order to improve their service offering and compete with the changing financial eco-system which has in recent times been disrupted by the introduction of Fintech companies.

Allied Fintech provides consulting, advisory and development services for a range of services in the finance and finance related industry, namely:

  • Financial services licensing
  • Fintech compliance, operation and management
  • Blockchain development (General & Fintech)
  • E-wallet
  • Money Transfer
  • Prepaid/Debit Cards
  • Payroll solutions
  • Software development for fintech services
  • Telecommunications solutions for integration of telecommunications and fintech
  • Crypto Currency Exchanges – White label solution
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